Safeguarding – New Heights School

What to do if you are concerned about a child?

Everyone has a part to play in protecting and safeguarding children. Customer First is the initial point of contact for social services in Suffolk. If you are concerned about a child please report this to:

Customer First on 0808 800 4005

Calls are free from landlines and most mobiles, and lines are open 08:00-18:45 Mon-Fri. Outside these hours calls are automatically diverted to the Emergency Duty Service, which deals with any matters that cannot wait until the next working day.

If the child concerned is attending Abbots Green Academy please also inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead at the school – Mrs Jo Uttley on 07735 448693 or 01284 718818.

School Safeguarding Information

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) has lead responsibility for dealing with all safeguarding issues at our school.

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Abbots Green is Mrs Jo Uttley
  • Other DSLs – Mrs Ang Morrison, Mrs Laura Arfi, Mrs Sharn Warren, Mrs Leda Yeaman & Mrs Michelle Goodenough
  • Designated Teacher for Children in Care - Mrs Jo Uttley
  • e-safety/Online Safety Lead – Mrs Jo Uttley
  • Prevent Lead - Mrs Jo Uttley
  • Safeguarding Governor - Mrs Jo Moore


CEOP help children to stay safe online. If someone has behaved inappropriately online a report can be made to CEOP. Follow the link below to make a report. If however you need immediate help telephone 999.

​Online Safety

Please look in the resources section for details of how we approach this at Abbots Green, and how you can support your children too. 

What should I be concerned about online today? (Current concerns for parents)

Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership