If you need to contact the school, or require assistance, please use the contact information detailed below. Members of our Admin Team will then direct your request to the most appropriate person.

School Postal Address:
Abbots Green Academy
Airfield Road
Bury St Edmunds
IP32 7PJ

Email: office@abbotsgreenacademy.co.uk
Telephone: 01284 718818

Trust Details:

Unity Schools Partnership
Park Road

Email:  ltaylor@unitysp.co.uk
Telephone: 01440 333400

Our school Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Sharn Warren. To contact Mrs Warren please telephone 01284 718818 and ask to speak to the SENCo or email office@abbotsgreenacademy.co.uk marked 'For the Attention of Mrs Warren - SENCo'

If you require a paper copy of specific information included on this website please contact the School Office.

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