When can my child join Abbots Green Academy?

Children can be admitted to the Evergreen Nursery from 2 years of age. All children can attend school full time in the September following their 4th birthday. If your child was born between 01/09/20 to 31/08/21 they are due to start school in September 2025. Please note that you must apply for a place in the Reception class at Abbots Green even if your child is already attending the school Nursery.

Admission Arrangements

Admissions for children starting at Abbots Green Academy at the beginning of the Reception year are made through the Local Authorities Admission Team.

Applications can be made online at:

Tel: 0345 600 0981
Email: admissions@suffolk.gov.uk

In-year applications

Our school is part of Unity Schools Partnership (USP). USP is its own admissions authority and processes its own in-year admissions applications.

New Reception intake (normal admissions) applications should be made through the local authority’s admissions website.

You can apply for a place for your child at any time to our school outside of the normal admissions round. However, an application will not normally be considered more than half a term ahead of the date when you want your child to start at the school.

If your child is changing schools, you need to think about:

· why you are applying to change schools

· if our school is right for your child

· how your child will travel to our school

· the availability of places in the year group at our school. Be aware that even if our school is full, you are still able to apply for a place.

Read the ‘Guidance on transferring schools’ on the right hand side before moving your child from their current school.

If you wish to make an in-year application to our school, you should:

1. Apply for a place by completing the school’s own application form available from our school office, or complete an ADM1 form. 

2. Send the application form directly to office@abbotsgreenacademy.co.uk

If you do not have a printer please contact our office and we can arrange for a paper application form to be sent in the post.

Check the oversubscription criteria for our school on the Admissions policy of the school you wish to apply for. The criteria are also available here in the list of schools' details, admissions policies and Supplementary Information Forms or in the Directory of Schools in Suffolk.

In-year applications

Unity Schools Partnership will aim to notify you of the outcome of your application in writing within 10 school days of receiving it, however, we must notify you in writing within 15 school days.

If you have provided an email address on your application form, we will notify you of the outcome by email. If you have not provided an email address, we will send you a letter in the post.

If you have not received an email or letter within four weeks of sending your application, please contact our school office directly to check on progress.

Once a place has been made available for your child, they must take up that place by the date given in our offer letter. Our school will put your child on roll by this date. If your child does not take up the place it will be withdrawn and may be reallocated.

Unsuccessful applications

If your application is unsuccessful then you will have a legal right to appeal the decision. The details of how to appeal will be included in the decision letter and further information can be found on Suffolk’s website at www.suffolk.gov.uk/admissions

Waiting lists

Our school does not hold waiting lists for in-year applications.

Making another application for our school, if you have already applied before

If your application has been refused, Unity Schools Partnership will not process another application for the same school in the same school year, unless there has been a significant change in circumstances of the parent/carer, child or school. This might be a house move or a place becoming available at a school.

If circumstances have not changed you can make another application for the following school year. However, this will not normally be considered more than half a term ahead of the date when you want your child to start at the school.