At Abbots Green, we truly believe in ensuring our children grow as individuals across all areas of the Curriculum.
At the heart of our school, our rainbow values support our Curriculum with ensuring that our children access high quality learning experiences alongside their curriculum entitlement
As a school we commit to our children becoming resilient, ambitious and optimistic learners as they develop their knowledge and skills to become enthusiastic learners of the future.
Our embedded Curriculum is broad and rich curriculum is underpinned by the principles of spaced retrieval practice to support the deep and embedded learning of knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Following the strong foundations within our Evergreen Nursery and EYFS, we recognise the importance of inspiring learning to ignite the curiosity to learn, but also contextualises this to enable all pupils to develop as experts. We believe that by providing first hand experiences (Abbots Green 50) children revisit prior knowledge but more importantly, build upon this and their understanding across a wide range of subject. This is evident in the modular approach to learning that highlights the need for challenge through our ‘Go Global’ approach to application and further challenge.
Our Curriculum is built upon the foundations which include:
Knowledge - Acquiring, retaining and applying key information about subjects within and across our curriculum and linking this with our own understanding and experiences.
Vocabulary- The extension of vocabulary to enhance learning across the curriculum through explicit teaching of tier 1,2,3 words that can be used in context to deepen our understanding and ability to articulate our learning with confidence.
Understanding of the wider world - It is our intention that children build up their understanding of the world around them, from the past as well as the present. As part of our Curriculum the intention is to put our learning into a context but also to recognise a global awareness.
Rainbow Values - We recognise the importance in identifying the attributes of being an effective learner but also a well rounded individual that is ready for the world beyond Abbots Green. By using our values to support our learning we know that our children have the potential to thrive but also reflect upon their own attributes.
Positive Relationships are integral to every avenue of learning at Abbots Green. The culture of the school recognises that this is beyond the role of the class teacher but all adults within the building. It is the expectation that adults model positivity at all times to ensure that children remain active, passionate learner whom thrive amongst their peers.
Community/ opportunity beyond the National Curriculum - Alongside our Curriculum we are proud of our Abbots Green 50 that is integrated into our long term Curriculum. We provide all learners with a balance of knowledge and cultural capital that they need to succeed in life. It is our intention that these opportunities will enhance their learning throughout their time in school.
Aspirations - Developing a culture of self-belief and motivation to achieve and be the best we can be. Challenging each other to hold higher expectations of ourselves with a determination to reach their potential in all areas of their learning.
At Abbot Green every child is recognised as a unique individual. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community and ensure that children are challenged by the growth of knowledge and understanding that they deepen each year.
We expect every pupil will learn regardless of background and the school’s vision stems from its commitment to ‘Growing as Individuals’.
It is our aim the children leave Abbots Green with a sense of belonging that gives them the confidence to crate their own pathway for the future. Children at Abbots Green learn to become resilient, ambitious and optimistic learners as they develop their knowledge and skills across the Curriculum.
For further information on Year Group subjects please click on the links to the right handside.
Subject long term curriculums can be found by clicking here
Our Learning Culture- The hidden Curriculum
The learning culture at Abbots Green is promoted through our Rainbow values and whole school vision. We instil high expectations in all our pupils with the importance of recognising their rainbow values each day.
At Abbots Green Academy we recognise the importance of our ‘hidden curriculum’. This consists of our whole school commitment to knowing every child as an individual and celebrating the relationships that we establish throughout their in school. Within our school, we ensure that children
- Are greeted daily on entry to school
- Identify how they feel each day
- Build a relationships with adults throughout the school
- Feel that staff take time to get to them as individuals
- Acknowledge one another and adults each day
- Take pride in all that they do
- Feel part of a community where they can flourish
- Recognise the importance of positive behaviours
Abbots Green- A rights and Respecting School
At Abbots Green we have started our journey in recognising the importance a whole school approach to child rights and human rights education. Child rights education can be defined as learning about rights, through rights and for rights within a context of education as a right.
Our UNICEF Rights Respecting articles and learning links very closely with our long term Curriculum.
As a silver attaining school we currently value 10 chosen rights which we have recognised in our medium term curriculum.
The Abbots Green 50
Within the curriculum we recognise that children’s learning is enhanced by enrichment experiences. We offer children a wide range of educational visits which are used to motivate and engage learning which improves retention.
Go Global
At Abbots Green we relish the opportunity to apply and challenge our children’s learning. We use the term Go Global to recognise wider opportunities that enthuse and inspire our children to retrieve knowledge and vocabulary to a context and or purpose that challenges further learning.
These opportunities are placed within learning blocks.
Using a modular approach we ensure that learning is sequential to allow opportunities for retrieval and further application to challenge our pupils further.